will / going to be - Yahoo!知識+ will / going to be 有什麼分別??? ... hi, [will] and [ going to be] are the same meaning, but [ going to ...
will 和be going to 的區別- 資源中心 - 師德文教 Q. 下列兩句都正確嗎? 都可以表達將來時間嗎?意思一樣嗎? I'm going to give you my telephone number. I'll give you my telephone number. A .英語裡用來表達 ...
Will和be going to到底有什麼不同? - udn部落格 2010年5月28日 - 但A和B到底哪個好?will和be going to 有時也可以替換,也許都沒有錯,但其中有一個,是老外會用的,你猜是哪一個?今天我們就來看看will和be ...
第三冊未來時間動詞的表達 標題句:What will you do if you win the first prize? I am going to wash my car. 結構:未來式will, be going to, 包含直述疑問否定. 概念介紹:時間大致上可以切成三 ...
未來式Will & be going to @ 無厘頭的貓:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2010年12月9日 - 未來式Will & be going to. 一、以 will 構成之未來式的直述句. 使用時機:表達「在說話當下才決定的事情」或「臆測或認為在未來會發生的事情」。
be going to VS will - 英语知识- Spiiker必克英语 Be going to在表示“将要”的意味时,很容易和will混淆不清。 试看下面的对话: A:The detergent has been used up. 洗洁精已用光了。 B:I'm going to get some today ...
Future Tense Will vs. Going To - English Grammar A very confusing concept is when to use WILL and when to use BE GOING TO when we refer the future. Both refer to the future but there is a slight difference but ...
word choice - "I am going to bed" vs. "I will be going to bed ... 2012年4月14日 - I will be... means that you have made the decision to go to bed or get off the bus soon but you haven't actually done anything about it yet.
Tiempo Verbal Futuro: BE GOING TO y WILL Generalmente "to be + going to" se usa para acciones que van a suceder muy pronto o para expresar un plan que se tiene. "Will" se usa para expresar una ...
ENGLISH PAGE - Verb Tense Exercise 19 Will / Be Going To. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. 1.